Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Thrush

The Thrush

In the mist-drunk hour before the sun's lamp lights
she sang like a thrush in the violet haze
to the man, her helmstone through bitter days:
o say will you have me
yes or no?

I'll gladly give you a cup of tears
emptied out upon the ground;
each tear a pearl,  each pearl a sound:
blue loving's sigh, a dream of rain
skippering sharp on a green sea wall.

I'll give you back twelve golden years.
Those years  elsewise could  not return,
the years you lost, the life you burned,
a thousand nights, each night a rose
flowering with a different name.

I'll give you a pen with quicksilver ink
a pen of wet stars for fifteen dreams
in rings of time and all lost worlds
and however you write your words will sing
I tell you true, it will be just so. 
O say will you have me
yes or no?

He spoke from below her darkened tree:
all these I would take if you were she,
if you were the thing you can never be,
instead of a thrush with notes of air
that sings before dawn
without a soul.

~March 2016

posted for    real toads

This poem was 'translated' from a translation, of a Swedish folk song called "Herr Mannelig"

Image: Wing Of A Blue Roller, 1512, Albrecht Durer   public domain