Tuesday, February 12, 2013

After The Fall

After the Fall

Sometimes these tongueless hours bring you close
breath to hanging breath, a laugh your key
to the deadbolt of ambivalent remorse
a remembered violated electricity.

Other times the soulless house contracts,
the shadow falls, the long-awaited night
clings to me,  a flower to its bracts;
god clears the clinkered eye-mote from his sight.

He kicks the wormy apple from paradise
to roll the long descent to cidered hell
square-ended in a box of no replies,
and stops the mouth of the pixelated well.

A chiaroscuro grief, saint's agony
is Lucifer's anaphasic mutiny.      

~February 2013

dVerse Poets

© Black Wildflowers blog 2013
All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 2, 2013




It was dark
when the bird in my belly came out
and tried to sing. The snake in my head
swung up from the shadow,
nodding flower face uncoiling, a scaleback
pendulum of mirrors blurring
the blackberry eye like a pocket watch
blazing till the bird dropped
a drink of candlelight for
the wolf in your belly,
biting for blood.

It was dark
when the owl in my barnscape came out
and tried to fly. She was tied to a string,
cutting black on her bright yellow leg
and could only swing vertigo
back and forth, up and down,
          in and out
of focus, a toy of light and shadow.
The snake in my head asked to be fed,
curled in the moon pool

where light lost its way,
 a reticulated rebus unrhymed
hissing the meta fizz while the wolf
in your  lab coat
unwrinkled the dazzle where
iceglamour hid, turned in his paw
the prism that blinds,
and with one ivory bite
sliced the black string

And the birds
the birds were gone-
colored light.

~February 2013

© Black Wildflowers blog 2013
All rights reserved.